Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Slow Food in McMinnville

A possible new member brought it to our attention at the last meeting that our blog doesn't come up if you google Slow Food McMinnville, and that if you don't happen to think of Yamhill County, this blog can be hard to find. So here it is, a formal reference in the blog to Slow Food (in) McMinnville, for Google to look for. I am quite sure there's a better way to do this, but being blogging challenged, I haven't figured it out. Perhaps some of our real bloggers out there could offer technical advice.
 While we're on the subject of Slow Food by the way, those of you who signed up with Slow Food USA may want to make sure you got into the Yamhill County convivium. Looks like some people got slotted in with Portland, and we're falling short of the number of members we need. Fortunately, we still have time to catch up.

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