SFYC Board Meeting Minutes
Food! (6:30 pm)
strawberry and fresh greens salad
sautéed fresh greens and peas
strawberry yogurt
rhubarb muffins
Brewing event recap
-met at market, others joined us at the brewery: 18 or so attended
-brewing lecture was fun, atmosphere was great
-definitely a success!
-Beth will send thank you cards
Coop tour this weekend!
-there is a flier kiosk at the Extension Service office
-SFYC will be at one of the 6 stops handing out egg recipes
11-1 Judi; 1-4 Nicole
***Judi needs your egg recipes!!! Send them to her by Thursday night!
July Events:
-Kookoolan Farm tour!
-originally going to do this in September: Judi is seeing if they want to reschedule
-Back up plan: Red Ridge Farms olive oil tour
-if Kookoolan takes the July spot, RRF will go to September
100 Mile Diet Planning Pow-wow
Jenny and the library side of the event:
-The book kit is ready! 10 copies of Plenty will be available through the kit. Judi will check out copies from the kit & will take a deposit for replacement cost.
-5 other copies of the book are available in the library system
-work on compiling a list of companion books: similar titles, cookbooks, etc.
-Winter Harvest cookbook
-Ivy Manning cookbooks
-Animal Vegetable Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver
Compiling farm list
-have participants send local food sources to Beth to add to a farm guide
-approaching Shannon at the Feed Store on 5th: see if we can post/hand out fliers encouraging farmers to contact Beth if they want their farm listed in the guide
How are we going to go about this?
Elements: book group, support group, blog, a couple of events, forum to share resources
What is it about?
food miles? food security? learning about local food? what else?
How intense are we going to be about this?
-2 week length for the general challenge seems reasonable (folks can go longer if they want to!)
-are we going to be really strict about the 100 mile thing?
-kind of: encourage folks to do it & treat it like an exercize to learn from
-participants will be largely self-policing though—we’re not going to accuse people of cheating or criticize them for not giving up a couple of items
****the hope is to get lots of participation, hopefully challenge people to look at their eating habits, and to have people learn more about local food options
Kick off event! Feature a local speaker!
-1st choice: Angelina Williamson (local woman who has done this: have her talk about her experience)
-2nd choice: Harriet Fasenfast (author of Householder’s Guide to the Universe)
-3rd choice: Carol Deppe (author of The Resilient Gardener)
-if all else fails: have a panel of slow food folk, local farmers, etc to discuss the issue at hand
Basic Plan:
1. Opening Event: Local speaker, get people reading the book and thinking about how they want to approach this
-held at Library
-Tuesday July 26th or Thursday the 28th
2. Official Kick off event: Have a potluck/some fun gathering for participants to sign pledges, pick up packets (with 100 mile map, farm list, small journal (?), etc)
-held at Library
-August 16th-ish
3. Celebration event!: 100 Mile Pizzas, reflection time, etc
-at Public Market Cob oven
****These plans will be finalized by June 30th, hopefully, so we can get publicity out!
Other ideas
-some kind of questionnaire to help people figure out what % of their food is local, to help them figure out how to structure their 100 mile challenge
-Grocery store participation? post mileage on “local” foods
-T-shirts! Sell as a fundraiser. Maybe market bags?
-BETH: talk to Shannon about fliers to farmers, write about it on the blog, t-shirt/bag design, participant packet planning, RD of publicity stuff, get Harriet Fasenfast’s contact info
-RICK: Harriet Fasenfast contact info
-JENNY: assemble a list of books and websites “in the same vein,” do some brainstorming for a Viewpoints article in the News Register
-NICOLE: contact Angelina about speaking
-EVERYONE: Toss your ideas out there! Send ideas for articles, publicity materials, farm resource list, book list, etc. to the group/appropriate person. Thank you!
July Board meeting is on July 12th, same time, same place. Potluck theme: 100 Miles. Yay!
Adjourned 8:30 pm.
SFYC Board Meeting Minutes
Food First! a.k.a. Potluck time
-stuffed mushrooms
-chips and bean and corn salsa
-curry chicken salad
-orzo salad
-blue corn bread
-balsamic and fresh herb pasta salad
Recap of April events
1. La Casa Verde
-Permaculture presentation debrief
-went well, though not super well attended (6-8 people)
-there were lots of questions and we got a few email sign-ups
-organizational issues may have contributed to low attendance: send feedback to LCV folks? as well as a thank you.
**work on creating another event to repeat presentation
-“permaculture for the home garden”
-site visit?
-study group?
-wildcrafting/nature walks with Laura McMasters, Soil and Water, Native Plant Society (more on this below)
-made $41!
-definitely do this again in the future!
-do it again next year!
2. Sue Buel
-went really well! worked with about 150 kids!
-things to think about next year: bringing extra pots/materials to plant in, having a Spanish speaker at the table
**the school has grant money for constructing a green house and garden: SFYC involvement?
May events
1. This weekend! North Valley Farm tour and potluck
-“Bring your boots”→ post on blog
-will be taking pictures to post on blog as a follow up and promotion of future events
Better events planning in future: things to think about
-environmental consciousness: avoiding throw-away resources (paper plates, etc)
-sending out thank yous to hosts after events (Nanette)
-do some fundraising so we can include a gift with the thank you
Treasurer’s report
-$197.81 in account
***Nanette needs the checkbook! Can whoever has it please pass it on to her ASAP? Thanks!
-First Federal Votes for Charities
-Nanette will look into getting us on this list: easy fundraiser for us
June Events
-Brewing event: mostly TBA. Sorry! Beth is on the case and will send out info for publicity ASAP.
-Coop Tour
-maps will be at the Extension Office, and we will have a table there
-They need recipes! Send all of your best egg recipes to Judi (valleycreekfarm@gmail.com)
-Will be putting together another raffle basket for event
July Events
-Tour of Jackie’s Farm tentatively on July 10th (Sunday)
-Rick is working on nailing down a time and a theme
August Events
-100 Mile Diet Experiment
-starting promo ASAP
-General outline:
-Have a common reading lead-in featuring the book “Plenty” by Alisa Smith & J.B. MacKinnon
-Launch party/book discussion and pledge signing second week of August (Potentially at Library or Third Street Books)
-Have book available @ Library (motions passed for SFYC to buy 2 copies to donate to the Library), and for purchase with discount at Third Street Books
-2 week long experiment
-Have a final get together/potluck/celebration/debrief event at end
-get as much feedback as possible
-good chance to start developing a list of local farms and food sources
-Beth and Erik are planning on doing a month long experiment in August: Beth will blog about it starting 2 weeks ahead of official event to hopefully get more attention
-Hermie (?) and Beth will work on contacting local farms/posting farm profiles on the blog and assembling a farm resource guide to aid participants
-Promotion: blog, newspaper, library/bookstore, t-shirts, buttons, etc. More ideas? Send them to Beth! beth.satt@gmail.com
Other Random Tidbits for the Order:
-Think about doing outreach work with food pantries/food bank when glut of summer produce comes in: canning/freezing?
-Getting SFYC business cards that members can hand out if they happen to talk about Slow Food: Beth will work on a design and email some options out
-Friends of Family Farmers In”farm”ation sessions: maybe try to attend these in the future? carpool!
-Attend SF events in Portland: arrange carpools
-Information about the County Fair is out soon. Will find out about volunteer situation as soon as we can.
-Need to do an event on water… conservation/catchement/city vs. well water/dry gardening
-partner with Basin Council?
-Fruit of the Month series on blog: one fruit, why we should buy it locally, sources and recipes!
-November Olio Nuovo festival at Red Ridge Farms: have a table for event
-schedule an olive oil tour/tasting event?
-Gathering Together Farms/Wild Garden Seed: seed saving class: attend? carpool?
-more book reviews on blog: The Resilient Gardener (Carol Deppe)
-Working with the tribes
-“First foods” event of some sort: miners lettuce, dandelion, camas, nettles, Jerusalem artichokes, tarweed…
-combine with nature walk/wildcrafting with Laura McMasters?
-talk at the library “The Original Slow Food”?
Other ideas? Send them our way!
Judi (valleycreekfarm@gmail.com)
Beth (beth.satt@gmail.com)
SFYC Board Meeting Minutes
6:30 pm Food
-Over-wintered cauliflower soup
-Rice casserole
-Salad with homemade vinaigrette
-Beans, kale, and tomatoes
-Cheesecake with strawberries
7:15 pm Meeting starts
-Still looking good!
-What Beth needs: topic ideas! Send anything to her that you find interesting! (beth.satt@gmail.com)
-How to comment on the blog:
-you do need to create a Google account, but you can keep it minimalist and anonymous
-once you have an account, click on “comments” at the bottom of the post and type it in! (all comments will be posted at the bottom of the entry)
-Editing comments on blog? Beth will keep an eye on things and will pull comments that are off-topic or otherwise inappropriate (should that become a problem)
Treasurer’s report
-$155 or so in account
-We need to do some fundraisers!
-Taxes will be filed by Nanette
1. La Casa Verde: THIS SATURDAY! Set up at 9am, starts at 10am, take down 4pm.
-Table, chairs, canopy, tablecloth, and banner are all taken care of: Hermie will bring them and set up the table in the morning. Judi and Amy will relieve her at noon.
-Permaculture presentation is from 12-1pm
-$50 budget approved for Beth to get postcard fliers printed at Print Northwest
-“Eat good” half-sheet handouts will be edited to include SFYC info & Judi will make copies for us
** A color proof of the postcard handout is also attached to this email!
-Item will be a veggie basket, also including local wine and (hopefully) olive oil
-Second basket? Seed start trays, potting soil, and seeds
-$1 for tickets (Hermie will bring tickets), drawing at 4pm (no need to be present to win)
** All items for baskets need to be to Hermie by Thursday Evening
call her at 503.883.9224 to hand off donated items!
-Presentation overview
-Mike will do intro, basic definitions
-Cameron will go through the 12 principles, using visual aids and handouts
-Finish with activity of identifying needs and resources
-Also hope to promote the creation of a Permaculture guild in Yamhill County
** If anyone has pictures that Cameron can use, please send them to him ASAP
2. Greenfield Potluck April 22nd evening
-contact Katie Kann (kkann@linfield.edu) if you can attend and help lead a discussion on food issues
-take handouts
3. April 30th: Sue Buel Elementary Earth Day
-10am-2pm: Judi, Aimee, and Nicole volunteering
4. May 14th: North Valley Farm Tour & Picnic
-11am-2pm: tour times TBA
-Grassfed lamb, heritage breeds, also making fiber
-Will be a picnic potluck (one lamb dish will be provided by the farm): bring a dish and your own plate/utensils
-Parking limited, but event is same time as Alien Daze—hopefully will balance out okay
5. June: Brewing Event
-Date is tentatively June 11th or 12th.
-Tour of Heater Allen Brewing and short brewery science lecture, followed by tasting
-Beth is working on confirming date, time, tasting fee, etc.
6. June 19th: Coop tour
-Still need destinations. Email Judi if you think of anyone!
7. July: Jackies Farm? Oregon Olive Mill tour?
-Other notes on events:
-Board member attendance at events is strongly encouraged. At least two members should be in attendance at individual events. We will do our best to have them planned far in advance to avoid scheduling conflicts.
-Partner with Yamhill Basin Council to show films? Third Street Pizza?
Other items of interest
-Village Building Convergence in Portland
-Natural building conference with free seminars. Also an accompanying course ($295 per person, can be paid by trading in catered breakfasts for event)
-May 27th-June 5th
-See email from Cameron for more information
-What about a 100 mile diet experiment?
-Sometime in August/September
-Have a book club to bring people in: Plenty by
-discounted copies for sale at Third Street Books
-Library Book Kit?
-Do a launch party, have people pledge to two weeks on a 100 mile diet
-Have participants document experience, what they eat, where they get it from
-Use this info to create some kind of resource for local eating
-Also coordinate Community Garden workday along with this?
-Slow Food t-shirts/buttons/tote bags: Fundraiser idea?
Next Meeting: Monday May 9th 6:30 pm at Valley Creek Farm
SFYC Meeting Minutes
(most important stuff is in bold!)
Welcome 6:30 pm
Motion for Beth to be Secretary, effective immediately. Motion passed.
Blog (Beth)
- Overview/tour (do it yourself here: http://slowfoodyamhillcounty.blogspot.com/)
- Content management:
o Anyone can post to the blog (contact Beth [beth.satt@gmail.com] or Judi [valleycreekfarm@gmail.com] for login info)
o If you have any ideas or content you’d like to see on the blog, feel free to email it to Beth, and she will post it for you. She doesn’t have internet at home, so it might take a couple of days.
- Judi will remain the contact person for all events listed on the blog
- Things to add to the blog
o A Resources page: feature County Fair stuff (Joy & Mike), Library resources (Rick), etc
o Volunteer sign up information on events page
o Post old fliers/information
o Farm listing, with info on u-pick and products available to purchase
o Photo gallery (we need to start taking photos! bring your cameras folks!)
- Chicken College Recap
o SF offered door prizes and information, as well as a presenter; well received by all
o Turnout: 100+ people, from Yamhill County and beyond (as far as Eugene)
o There was an interesting distinction noted between professional growers and backyard hobbyists
o Most people there appeared to already have chickens and were interested in whether or not they were doing things right
o 4.16.11: La Casa Verde
- Passed around Volunteer Sign-up sheet (Set up 9am, Take down 4pm): need at least two people at the table all day. Contact Judi (valleycreekfarm@gmail.com) to sign up!
- Friday there is a Cob Building Workshop, Saturday is the info fair and classes
- SFYC Class: Permaculture
• Presentation will get emailed out for feedback in the next week or so
• Will cover (1) what permaculture is, (2) the back yard significance of its practice, and (3) key resources
o 4.16.11: Sue Buel Earth Day Fair
- Hasn’t been confirmed yet: Judi is going to go talk to the school
- Volunteers: Judi and Nicole (all day)
o 5.14.11: Sheep Farm Visit
- Nanette is organizing this, no details yet
- Will probably include a farm tour (locally grown lamb) and picnic
o First/Second Saturday: Homebrewing Workshop and Tasting
- Beth is working with Brian Gilbert, Linfield professor to organize this
- Topics to cover:
• The Brewing Process
• Ingredient Sourcing (can you brew “local” beer?)
• Tasting How-To & Tasting of local microbrews (donations?)
- Will be a charge to attend (to cover costs)
- Hold at the Saturday Market? Need to contact Shannon about SF table @ market.
o 6.16.11: Coop Tour
- Stacy (from ?) is organizing it again this year
- Need coops to visit! Contact Judi if you know of any
- Urban and rural coops this year: spreading out the load
o 8.4-8.7: County Fair
- We will participate largely as volunteers, maybe have a table (costs $)
- There will be classes and contests to attend/enter
- More details coming soon
- Unscheduled
o Meet the Farmer event with Thistle (Eric)
- Fundraising opportunity: Charge to get in (cover costs), and donations to benefit SF
- No date yet: Judi is working on it
o Apple Pressing/Cider Making Event
- Sometime in fall—October?
- Does anyone know about brewing hard cider? Carlton Cyderworks?
- August: get a table? (very expensive but good exposure/fundraising possibility?)
o Visiting Jackie’s Farm
- sometime in August?
- Herb walk (medicinal herbs)/Urban Farm (animals, vegetables, fruits)
- Art and Medicinal Herb Library
- Contact ?
“Big Project” for the Year
- We need some overall purpose to focus our efforts on
o Will help with publicity and fundraising
o Give back to the community and local farmers/restaurants/businesses
- Try to put together a county farm guide/access list
o Examples mentioned include: Tri County U-Pick Guide and Lane County Farm Guide
o To include:
- Farm listing and food organizations rubric
- Maybe use a Linfield/MHS class to help gather info?
- Start by asking farmers at Saturday Market and Thursday Farmers Market… hopefully the word will spread and farms will seek us out
- Print copies? Online resource? → things to think about
- Still needed with blog up and running? Yes!
- Will put together and email out a newsletter, also post to blog. Both is good!
Break for food!
- Dishes included: Lasagna with tofu
Salad and homemade vinagrette
Polenta with pesto topping
Blue Corn Bread
Fresh Ginger Muffins
1. Revise Brochure
a. Judi will email out original: send feedback to her or Beth
b. GOAL: downsize to make a postcard-sized version that is more visually appealing and streamlined, also to update material to reflect our current goals (which can be recycled into a new paper brochure that is more comprehensive than the postcard)
2. La Casa Verde Volunteers
a. SIGN UP ASAP! Email Judi.
3. Permaculture Presentation Feedback
a. Will email out presentation for feedback
b. Be thinking about what you do in your yard/garden that falls under the category “permaculture”
Other Notes for the Good of the Order
- Should we tape presentations, etc to make a lending library of sorts?
o Channel 11?
o Online?
- Grande Ronde Tribes are interested in implementing Permaculture: talk to Mike
- Red Ridge Farms Olive Oil tour another option for future events
- Buying club/Co-op starting up in Mac?
Adjourned 8pm