Date: 9/8/08
Attend: Susan, Lucy, Nannette, Nicole, Sarah Bates (YCPH), Judi, Aimee
I. Sarah w/ Yamhill County Public Health on a grant that they have received regarding Chronic Disease in YC. YCPH is asking for assistance in doing the community assessment for this grant. They are looking into creating a county-wide directory of CSAs, farms, farmstands, etc (sound familiar?) Sara is getting most of the farmstand information from the USDA. We talked about a CSA brochure and noted John Foster (on Hill Rd) as a potential resource. We all recognize the shortage of community gardens and Sarah would also like a summary of community gardens in the County. Lucy recommitted herself to getting as much of this information that she is out for.
The upcoming community/school garden up by Grandhaven was also brought up. It is being sponsored by Petra & Jesse (of Natural Connections).
If you have any information/questions, Sara Bates can be reached at
She is also looking for any ‘champions in the community’ that we can pair up with.
II. YC Agricultural Industry Meeting. Lucy talked with Jodi Christensen (MAC Chamber) and SFYC is very welcome at the meetings. Susan will go to the first meeting and we will get details from there. This is being cosponsored with Extension. Susan will take money out of the account to buy jars which we will raffle off. Katie K. might attend in the winter?
III. Canning Class. Wednesday, Sept. 24, 7-8:30 p.m. at the OSU Yamhill Co. Extension Office 2050 NE Lafayette Ave. $10. Press release is out. Please send summary from Judi to anyone/everyone who might be interested. Susan will send it to Yamhill Valley Peacemakers. This is on the radio, press release to the papers, etc.
IV. Meetings. Keep on Mondays for now. Potentially have a field trip to Bernard’s after next meeting. Next agenda: bee presentation at library.
V. YC Grant. Add line about ‘conglomeration of private businesses and nonprofits’
VI. Winter Movie Sponsor w/ Yamhill Valley Peacemakers? They are showing “Power of Culture” at 3rd St Pizza. Yes, we definitely support it. Nicole knows of someone who studied agricultural systems in Cuba.
September 21. 3 p.m. Potluck at Valley Creek Farm. Soup and Salad Theme.
October 12. 3 p.m. Apple themed potluck. Does anyone have a press?
(Update since minutes were sent out:Danny Browne has agreed to host our October potluck. The date that works for him is Sunday, October 12. We agreed to start again at 3 for consistency. He has a big backyard and a few apple trees. Let's discuss details at our next meeting. Judi)
Judi to continue with canning planning/potluck.
Lucy to invite Katherine Huit to the September Potluck and get her home mailing stuff to Judi.
Lucy to talk to Kullas about getting slow food information forwarded to Nicole.
Lucy to get Nannette numbers of ‘original members’
Lucy to check occupancy of canning demo building.
Susan to buy 2? Sets of canning jars with money from account.
Susan to talk with Bernard’s to find out appropriate hours.
Angelina to make flier for canning.
Angelina to make SF Flier w/ SFYC app. Sheet built in. J
Nanette to talk about the community garden at the next meeting.
Nannette to call original members.
Nicole to contact Cuban ag workers re. YVP movie night talk.
1 comment:
Chris Bernards welcomes Slow Food Yamhill County to Bernards Farm following the regular posted meeting on Monday, Oct. 22nd.
Or, you may meet at the farm at 7pm for the tour.
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