In attendance: Lucy, Judi, Susan, Laurie, Nanette.
1. Preservation talk at the library by Nicole and Angelina. It went well, maybe use a mike next time. Most attendants were previous canners.
Spinoff idea: canning taste and recipe share. A party: bring in stuff you canned, taste, compare, share recipes. You might just LOVE blackberry cordial or pickled cherries!
Spinoff idea: hands-on canning class at the fairgrounds, senior center or Red Fox Bakery. Tentatively scheduled for late September. (Remember, soup potluck on the 21st.) Perhaps get Holly Berry to give class? Thinking tomatoes. Perhaps charge a nominal ($15) fee? Couldn't give out samples without waivers. Judi is to e-mail Holly Berry.
2. General email list. Judi has control of the general e-mail list and doesn't mind sending out notices (and perhaps minutes).
3. Yamhill County Cultural Grant. We would need money for: posters, newspaper advertisements, handout brochures, and on-site signage. Free publicity: e-mails and press release. We decided on a MID-September farm tour date. We think that we might ask farmers that wish to participate to pay a small fee to get into the brochure. Slow Food should be at each participating farm. LUCY will call Katherine and find out if, a) the grant amount is flexible or all or nothing and b) if the Y.C.C.S. would liek to be a hub or at least a participant. Luch to have language and an amount by the 27th.
4. Yamhill County Agricultural Board. The most recent e-mail made this sound like much less fun. Still, it would be beneficial to at least SIT in on the meetings. They will meet once a month for a year to "identify the needs of the county's agricultural community, industry trends, suitable sites and implementation policies" and to work on an agribusiness economic and community development plan to encourage investors to establish new businesses in the county that would support agriculture. If anyone is interested, please let us know. The first meeting is Sept. 25. Contact is County Commissioner Mary Stern. Lucy is to call Ms. Stern regarding the program and Jodi Christensen regarding the Chamber's role.
5. Idea: Farmer talks at the potlucks. A set of questions, they eat and talk, we eat and learn. Thoughts?
That's it. Remember the potluck on the 21st, and everyone enjoy themselves -- and start coming to meetings.
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