Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July update

I'm sorry we've been so slow about getting this blog going -- I've fallen down a bit on the job. However, we've had some exciting events. We got our official confirmation from Slow Food USA. Laurie Furch and Red Fox Bakery donated bean seeds to local classes for children to plant. Katie and Casey Kulla of Oakhill Organics gave a wonderful talk on winter gardening on June 21 at the McMinnville library that was well attended. Next, Angelina Williamson hosted a potluck at her house, for people to get together and talk about local food issues. We continue to hear from people who attended one or both events and are interested in either joining us or working together in some way. 
 One of those is Brian Stahl, who, with his wife, Kathy,  is setting up a website where people can locate farmstands, u-pick farms, grocery stores and restaurants that offer local food, in the Yamhill County area -- a goal very similar to one of our own. 
 Brian attended our July 9 meeting (he very nearly found himself talking to himself; apparently most of us forgot to come, or had other commitments!) to talk about his plans.
He's got some great ideas, and will be setting up a link to our blog on the website. Once Local Fresh is up and running, we plan to offer a link to it from here, as well. More information as this develops.
 Brian is asking that SFYC help come up with some criteria for listing grocery stores and restaurants on the website. Is it enough that they serve local tomatoes in August, when they can get them? Do they need to have a more dedicated local foods focus? Are there other issues you're concerned about? Jot down some notes, and let's talk about it.
 Unfortunately, we've had to cancel the potluck that was scheduled for July 18. Nanette discovered she had a conflict, and wasn't able to host it after all. We're hoping to reschedule for August. 
 On August 2, we'll have the second in our series of library presentations on local food; a talk by Angelina and I on preserving techniques. It should be fun! We're planning to have some items available for tasting, and recipes.
 In September, Leslie Blanding will talk about how to convert lawn into vegetable garden -- fall is a great time to start this process, and she'll discuss how to create a new vegetable bed without breaking your back. 
 Happy July, and please be sure to join us for our July 23 meeting.
Nicole Montesano

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