Thursday, January 3, 2013

Nourish Yamhill Valley is at it again!

Last fall, the new food collaborative group Nourish Yamhill Valley hosted a series of community meetings focused on finding local solutions to food systems issues--things like hunger, obesity, lack of food knowledge, insufficient access to fresh local foods, and many others. 100 people attended those events and offered up their knowledge and ideas.

This month, Nourish is bringing the whole county together to dream big: their county-wide summit, "Tend the Seeds of Change," is focused on identifying, fleshing out, and exploring big, county-wide initiatives that have the capacity to create deep change. The day will include networking time, an information fair, a keynote speaker and presentations by local & regional experts. The major activity will center around two breakout sessions where you and your peers will have a chance to develop a potential initiative in one of the five following topic areas: local food guides, food hubs, farm to school, local grains/beans/legumes, and processing. It's going to be a great afternoon of activity, idea sharing, and visioning for our food system's future!

The basic details:

Date: Saturday, January 26th, 2013
Time: 1-5pm, optional networking starting at 12:30pm
Location: TJ Day Hall, Linfield College
Cost: Free!

For more details about the event and to register, hop over to the Nourish Yamhill Valley website. See you there!