March 4 Meeting Notes
Please note: These are my recollections of the discussion and I am not presenting what follows as official minutes except where voting was involved on Item 4.
Judi H.
In attendance: Susan Ruggles, Rick Throngburg, Nannette Villarreal, Nikki Shoemaker, Travis Orback, Mike Fahey and Judi Herubin
1. Village Quarter Garden: Master Gardeners are reviewing document, 3 of the 4 have responded with comments. Nanette and Judi will update document with all comments and submit the draft to the Executive Director at the Housing Authority for comment. The goal is to have a final document ready for signature from all three parties by March 31, 2009.
For future action: The garden as proposed does not fit the criteria for a community garden because it is for the residents of the property. Nanette has suggested that the residents choose the name when they meet to organize.
2. Mike Fahey explained two projects he has in the works. The first is a community garden site near Linfield. Mike is in the planning stages and is seeking interested parties to participate. He is currently has plans to meet with representatives from Greenfield and plans to meet with his neighbors if needed. Mike did not request any action from Slow Food at this time.
The second project is a proposed community event in the “Power of Community” mode with a focus on local food. The Peacemakers have decided not to take this event on and there was a suggestion that Slow Food be the main sponsor of this event. Members in attendance thought the idea had great potential to fit into what we have planned and it was requested that Mike write up an outline of what he envisions for the event and submit it to Slow Food for further consideration.
3. Review of other events and status: We seem to have a lot going on although the details of some events are not yet clear. We had at one time set a goal of having at least one event per month. We had an event in January and a co-sponsor presence in February. It does not appear we have an event in March but April looks very busy.
I have included a table below that show the events and projects that came to mind. I know it would help me to see what we have in the works in a format like this. Let me know what you think and if people find it useful I will get it updated and keep it going.
Event/Project Date Status Lead Results
Tableland 1/16/09 complete Judi/Nanette Small crowd, movie well received
Power of Community II 2/24/09 complete Susan Great event, Slow Food was a co-sponsor and had representatives and flyers at the event. Six people requested to be added to our info/event list
Seed Talk TBD Lucy/Nicole ?
Bee Talk TBD
Annual Meeting TBD – April? Nicole
Sue Buell Nature Day 4/18/09 ? Lucy?
McMinnville Fruit Tree Project TBD Lucy/Judi ?
Potluck at Tad and Mary’s farm (wine and spirit makers) TBD – May? They are willing – date to be set Nikki
Book share events TBD New Rick ?
Earth Day at Wednesday Wines April 22 New – emailed contact 3/5 for more info Judi
Nutrition Project with Public Health Meetings in progress Nicole
Provider List 4/15/09 – 1st draft Set deadline so Judi would get started Judi
Documentary Lucy
Newberg City Club 3/17/09 On track Nicole speaking Lucy contact
Slow Food Reports TBD Nicole for National
Susan for Financials
Farm Tour TBD TBD
Village Quarter Garden 3/31/09 – signed MOU In edits - on track Nanette
McMinnville Farmer’s Market presence Apps are due between March 16 and April 1 I thought we had discussed this at one point?
Canning classes TBD Judi ????
Winter Farm tour at Oak Hill TBD – soon? Lucy
4. We had a general discussion about marketing and it was decided we are ready for a banner. Susan made a motion that Slow Food to purchase a 2x6 banner ($36.00 at Copy Cats) Nanette second. The motion carried. Rick is going to work up a proof and will email the board for approval before ordering.
5. Susan brought information on the pending 2009 Legislation on Oregon Farm to School and School Gardens. Copies of the information were passed out to all in attendance. The group had some questions and it was decided to table the issue until the next meeting.
6. Next meeting: It was agreed that we needed to have another meeting a.s.a.p. and it was decided that the Board should reconvene on Wednesday, March 11, 2009, 5:15 p.m. at Village Quarter to review original agenda for 3/4/09, renew discussion on Oregon Farm legislation and the Power of Community III if that information is available by the meeting.
7. Travis would like to be added to the meeting minutes emails.
8. Adjourned.